Western Michigan University - Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: February 15, 2021 Deadline extension: March 15, 2021
Description: $64,000 over four years/$16,000 per year. This scholarship can only be used at WMU. To be considered, the following must be complete: WMU institutional application or Common App (including WMU supplement), official high school transcript, $40 application fee or fee waiver received, US citizens and permanent residents must file the FAFSA.
- Minimum 3.7 gpa
- Have a verified financial need based on one or more of the following criteria
- Student if enrolled in or eligible to participate in the federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program
- Student is a ward of the state, an orphan, or in foster care
- Student is homeless, as determined by their district's McKinney-Vento Liason
- Student is undocumented
- Please note that the GPA and financial need criteria are the minimum criteria for consideration. The foundation scholarship is highly competitive and selective, and not all students who meet the consideration criteria will be awarded.
For more information and scholarship application go to: https://wmich.edu/admissions/foundation