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February 19, 2021



Deadline:  March 31, 2021.  Email completed applications to:

Description:  One $750 scholarship will be awarded. This scholarship was created to honor the late Leon Miller.  Leon was a longtime Berrien Springs community member, parent and grandparent of Berrien Springs Public Schools graduates, and an avid fan of Shamrock athletic programs.  His favorite place to be was watching a Friday night game under the lights at Sylvester Stadium.  This scholarship will be given to the Berrien Springs graduate who best exhibits and embodies the attitude, discipline and hard work it takes to be a successful high school athlete.


  • 2.5 or above gpa
  • BSHS graduating senior (also includes 5th year Early Middle College graduates)
  • Participated in at least 2 complete athletic seasons for BSHS
  • This scholarship may be used at a vocational/trade school, community college, or 4 year college/university for tuition, books and fees
  • Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the post-secondary institution 


Requirements for Submission:

  • Scholarship application
  • HS transcript
  • Copy of post-secondary institution acceptance letter
  • Letter of recommendation from an athletic coach
  • One page typed personal essay stating your post-secondary goals and how this scholarship will help you achieve these goals.  Please include how your participation in athletics at BSHS has shaped you into the person you are today. 

For application go to: